13 Ways to Beat Airport Anxiety

30 Nov 2023

Do you know ways to beat airport anxiety, or have you researched this topic before? What is Airport Anxiety? Airport anxiety can be regarded as a form of social anxiety. The sum of all the components related to an airport that causes stress in you, in a way that affects your well-being and actions, can be considered airport anxiety. Having to spend a lot of time at airports before a flight can be seriously stressful. You booked your trip, you prepared your boarding pass and now you are waiting at airport lounges. 

The process of booking, preparing your boarding pass and baggage reclaim can also cause airport stress but what comes after this process is travel anxiety. Especially early flights or long haul travels evoke airplane anxiety as well as travel stress. If you have an early flight and did not book a room at an airplane hotel, you get anxiety about missing a flight. 

These situations cause many people to have anxiety at airports. So, if you are asking “Is airport anxiety a thing? or “Is it normal to have anxiety before traveling?” The answer is an undoubtful yes.

What are the Symptoms of Airport Anxiety?

What are the 3 symptoms of airport anxiety you need to look for? Here, we will look at the main airport anxiety symptoms. But first, you might wonder what fear of airports phobia isPteromerhanophobia, or Aerophobia are the names used to refer to the fear of flying or being on an airplane. Also, the reason behind having anxiety at airports or regarding flights in general, can be that the person has Agoraphobia. It is the fear of being in a situation where you cannot escape or escape is not attainable. So, people with agoraphobia feel anxious when they think of a flight for these reasons, too.

1.    Having difficulty breathing and having rapid heartbeats.

2.    Having trouble sleeping the night before travel.

3.    I Have stomach ache and nausea.

Is There a Treatment for Airport Anxiety?

You might ask yourself, “Why do I feel sad before traveling?”. It is because you get stressed about travel related issues, such as missing a flight, being late to baggage reclaim, being on an airplane for hours and feeling like you do not have a way out, and mostly, you get even more stressed when you know there are people watching you get anxious. Sometimes you can feel like you do not know how to get through an airport by yourself.

For agoraphobia treatment, it can be advised by professionals to use antidepressants. These antidepressants help people cope with anxiety and panic attacks.

For airport anxiety only, there are some non-pharmacologic treatments. You can practice meditation, breathing exercises such as taking deep breaths, and make specific plans that can give you peace of mind. Sometimes you can feel like you do not know how to get through an airport by yourself and it is normal. It can be really helpful if someone accompanies you.

It is important that you do not feel disconnected from the world. Remember, many people experience the same stressful energy you experience regarding airports and flights. Trust me, when you search airport anxiety reddit or airport anxiety meme you can see that a lot of people are dealing with the same situation and they are trying to cope with it through humor.

What Helps Airport Anxiety? How To Cope With Flight Anxiety?

For example, getting on a plane at the time of covid-19... This may sound scary to you in terms of hygiene and health. But we have some things to say on the subject: How To Travel in a Post-COVID World?

1. Prepare yourself for the upcoming situation!

If you have airport anxiety, you should make a thorough plan that can put your mind at ease. Plan at which hour you will wake up, what tasks you need to complete before taking off for the airport, and which processes will be waiting for you there. Having an attentively made plan can ease your stress.

2. Book your flights accordingly!

If you live far away from the airport and if it is not urgent, avoid booking flights that are too early in the morning or too late at night. Early flights may require you to arrive at the airport the night before your flight and spend your night there to avoid missing your flight. The whole situation can put too much pressure on you. Similarly, flights that are too late at night can also cause you to feel anxious about your flight since it will be at night. However, if you live near the airport, and if you do not have to worry about early flights and arriving in time, you can book early flights to escape from the crowd.

 ⭐   Useful article: Your Essential Pre-Flight Travel Checklist

3. Get your boarding pass ready online!

Today, aircraft companies offer apps and websites that will help you with your flight operations. You can get your mobile boarding pass online and check-in thanks to the app. This way, your boarding pass will already be on your phone and you will not need to wait in the lines to get your boarding pass at the airport.

4. Take a book with you!

Take a book with you so that you keep yourself busy while waiting. In fact, our following content can help you! I think have a look...  The Best Travel Books

5. Have some snacks to ease your stomach!

Have some stick crackers or biscuits to ease your stomach if it aches.

 ⭐   if you're wondering: Should I Add Flight Insurance When Booking My Flights?

6. Make sure you arrive at the airport at least 2 hours!

For domestic flights, arrive at least 2 hours before your flight so that you can get everything done without panic. Especially so that you can handle the process without panic.

7. Call someone you love as you wait in the lounge!

To keep yourself busy and calm, call a loved one while waiting!

8. There shouldn't be too many items!

Have less belongings or objects that can knock your knees together. The less belongings you have next to you, the less worried you will get about missing something.

9.  Breathing exercises and meditation!

Take deep breaths and meditate as much as you can.

⭐  You should read this article: What You Need to Know About Airport Transfer Services?

10. Listen to some relaxing music!

Listening to some comfort music can work wonders!

11. Use social media and technology!

Have some entertaining tv shows or films ready on your phone/laptop.To keep your mind busy, download some films to watch on the plane or at the airport.

12. Control your baggage!

Make sure your baggage does not exceed the limited baggage allowance before heading to the airport.

13. Have company if you can!

If you can, have some company with you since it will definitely ease your stress.

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